News / Diverse City Review
2nd August 2009
When first entering the exhibition, you can see that the title "Diverse City" certainly benefits the show. This exhibition brings together a group of contemporary outsider artists currently working/practicing in London, and reveals a true dynamic range of artistic styles, talent and expertise.
The pictures, broadly displayed in artistic styles i.e. landscape, portraiture, Abstract (Collage) and surrealism, invite the viewer on an artistic journey, through the minds and experiences of the individual artists.
"Naive", "Direct" and "Raw" are terms often used in art critiques of Outsider Art, but to describe this show using those terms would be missing the point as Diverse City reveals a lot more depth through the artists' individual approaches to their work, and moves beyond the viewer's need to categorise.
Among the gems in the exhibition included the enigmatic "Oscar with Wine glass" (Gina Bold), a marvellous evocative portrait, and the 0-0-08 series, three large bold pieces from Franco di Cesare. These pictures combined styling from the Cubist, Futurist and Abstract Expressionist move- ments and displayed a true competency of artistic merit.
There were also some highly individualistic pieces from new artists. "Visions in Blue" by Raul Peterio, was a cyanotype print on a Hoover bag. Raul reveals," I like to experiment with found objects, using photos from my personal collection". His decision to utilise traditional methods of printmaking and combine them with contemporary found objects was bold, inventive and successful - as it changed the viewers' perception of these mundane objects.
A particular favourite for me was the brilliantly poignant, "Homeless" by Eve McDougall. This haunting mixed media work was a staringly dark piece, made all the relevant by an accompanying statement on the artists' own personal life struggle. It certainly made the viewer stop and take note.
Overall, all the artworks engaged, provoked and inspired the viewer in equal measure. As an introduction to this group / community of Outsider Art, I now know it is one to be seriously considered and ranked high amongst the range and level of artistic talent that this city has to offer.
Christopher Burke July 2009
(Taken from The Other Side Gallery's newsletter)